
Some sample ontologies produced using OilEd are available here.


A list of common problems and possible solutions. Please check this list before mailing us with questions.


The OilEd user manual. This is also included in the distribution.


The DAML+OIL Checker is a servlet that uses the OilEd codebase to check the syntax of DAML+OIL ontologies and returns a report on the classes and properties in the model. Note that this service will not always be available. In addition, as the machine that provides the service sits behind a firewall, you may experience problems with ontology URLs using protocols other than HTTP.


Angus Roberts has produced a brief tutorial introduction to OilEd. This does not cover the details of DAML+OIL, but gives an overview of which buttons to press.

Building Ontologies

Useful resources relating to building ontologies.